Reproduction, duplication, and in general any use of these photos is forbidden without permission of Alain Roudier.

Viennese pianoforte Chris Maene after Andreas Stein 1786.
Viennese pianoforte, school of Anton Walter, c1795.
Previously part of the Neupert Collection.

French pianoforte in the shape of a harpsichord by Sébastien Erard, c1795.
Only surviving Erard of this type from before 1800 in the world.
French pianoforte by Alain Moysan & Ad Libitum, after Beethoven’s Erard 1803.

Viennese pianoforte by Josef Böhm, c1815.
Viennese pianoforte by Conrad Graf, c1827.
Inscribed in the list of historical monuments.

Viennese pianoforte by Josef Schätzel, c1828.
Viennese pianoforte by Rosenberger, c1830.

French piano by Pleyel, as played by Chopin, 1834.
French pianino by Pleyel, 1835.

English piano by Broadwood, c1839.
American piano by Chickering, c1865, Boston.

German piano by Bechstein, 1867, Berlin.
German mechanical piano by Blüthner, 1912.

Prototype of German piano by Steingraeber&Söhne, ‘model 232’.
Clavichord by Haas, creation.

Clavichord by Pierre Verbeeck, after Gottlob Hubert 1786.
Anthony Siedey-Heugel, c1960

J. P. Batte, Spanish Renaissance school, c1970
Pierre Verbeeck, after Walström 1750

Bettenhausen, after Silbermann, c1990